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Results for "keyword: "social""
Off Jackson Avenue A well-constructed crime drama in which three characters find themselves in tight squeezes and try to squirm free.
Secuestro Express A grim and powerful depiction of the long day's journey into night experienced by a couple kidnapped by a trio of angry young men from the ghetto in Caracas, Venezuela.
Mondays in the Sun A deeply ethical work that has a universal quality to its depiction of the soul-destroying capacities of unemployment.
Dirty Pretty Things A soul-stirring movie that will rock you to your foundations if you just come to it with an open heart.
Under the Skin of the City Focuses on a hard working and strong-willed mother in contemporary Teheran, Iran, who demonstrates big-hearted courage.
Last Resort An unusual story about knowing when it is time to change your life, told through the experiences of a Russian mother who is stranded in England at a camp for political refugees.
Rosetta The drama vividly conveys the stunted emotional and spiritual life of a teenager who has no time for anything except the struggle to survive.
Lamerica A mersmerizing film that will soften your heart towards the plight of refugees all over the world.
Hidden in America A thoughtful portrait of both the perils of poverty and the difficult dynamics of compassion.
Mysterious Skin Reveals the pain and suffering wrought by sex offenders who prey upon children.